
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ItemDimension
Physical Name : ETL_DW3_DIM_ITM

Dimensional entity that identifies and describes ITEMS for sales and operational analysis.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ItemID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32)
Name The name by which the Item is known. NM_ITM Name varchar(40)
ItemDescription The textual description of the Item and its characteristics. DE_ITM DescriptionShort varchar(255)
LongDescription A longer textual description of the Item and its characteristics. DE_ITM_LNG DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)
TypeCode This code indicates which subtype this item is. Examples are Stock Item, Aggregate Item, Service Item, Prepared Item, Group Select Item, etc. TY_ITM Code4 char(4)
BrandName A unique name to denote a class of ITEMs as a product. The brand can include private label ITEMs. NM_BRN Name varchar(40)
Description The description of a class of ITEMs produced by a product of a single supplier or manufacturer. DE_BRN DescriptionShort varchar(255)
BrandGrade A retailer designated code that indicates the relative value of the brand within its portfolio of brands. This is imporant when comparing brands offered by a retailler for sales analytic and customer segmentation purposes. Examples: PREMIUM - high quality brand SUPERIOR - better quality brand REGULAR - middle of the road brand VALUEPACKAGE - inexpensive no frills brand LOWEND - Lowest price brand CD_BRN_GRDG Code varchar(20)
SubBrandName The name of a subcomponent of a brand. As an example, if a Brand were "Super Cola", the subbrand might be "Super Cola Light". NM_SUB_BRN Name varchar(40)
SubBrandDescription A short description of a subbrand. DE_SUB_BRN DescriptionShort varchar(255)
UsageCode This code defines how this item may be used within a store. Usage is a function of how an item may be consumed or disposed of by the store. LU_ITM_USG Code2 char(2)
KitSetCode This code signifies this ITEM is provided as a kit which has to made up either by the customer or by the store at an additional cost. LU_KT_ST Code2 char(2)
SubstituteIdentifiedFlag An ITEM for which there is a substitute available for sale within the RETAIL STORE. FL_ITM_SBST_IDN Flag int
AllowFoodStampFlag A flag to inicate whether food stamps can be tendered for this Item. FL_FD_STP_ALW Flag int
AllowCouponMultiplyFlag A flag that enables or disables multiple coupon promotions. Used to enable or disable double or triple coupon promotions. FL_CPN_ALW_MULTY Flag int
ProhibitReturnFlag A flag to denote whether or not this item may be returned. (Eg: Freezer or Chilled merchandise) FL_RTN_PRH Flag int
WICFlag A flag denoting if this Item is allowed in a WIC transaction FL_ITM_WIC Flag int
MinimumSaleUnitCount Defines the minimum number of retail sale units that may be purchased in a single RetailTransaction. QU_MNM_SLS_UN QuantityShortCount decimal(3,0)
MaximumSaleUnitCount Defines the maximum number of retail sale units that may be purchased in a single RetailTransaction. Typically this is used for "rationed" merchandise. (Eg: Nintendo 64 in Christmas 1995) QU_UN_BLK_MXM QuantityShortCount decimal(3,0)
StockItemTypeCode A retailer assigned code to indicate the StockItem type, ie ShelfItem, ApparelItem, SerializedItem, etc. TY_ITM_STK Code2 char(2)
UnitOfMeasureCode The code used to specify the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. This code relates to the UCC data element 355. CD_UOM_RTL_SL_UN Code varchar(20)
SaleWeightOrUnitCountCode A retailer assigned code that indicates whether the StockItem is sold by weight or as an unit. LU_CNT_SLS_WT_UN Code2 char(2)
UnitPriceFactor The number of units of measure per selling unit. Used as the divisor when calculating the STOCK ITEM's unit retail price, eg $1.67 per pound or $2.59 for 32 floz. FA_PRC_UN_STK_ITM Quantity decimal(9,2)
RetailPackageSize The code used to specify the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. This code relates to the UCC data element 355. CD_UOM_RTL_PKG_SZ Code varchar(20)
EnvironmentTypeCode A retailer assigned code that defines the temperature, relative humidity, lighting and other physical or climatic environmental requirements for storing and displaying the item. TY_ENV_STK_ITM Code2 char(2)
SecurityRequiredTypeCode A retailer assigned code that defines the security environment and procedures required for receiving, displaying and selling the item. This is for high-priced merchandise like jewelry, certain prescription drugs, ordinance, fireworks, etc. TY_SCTY_RQ Code2 char(2)
HazardousMaterialTypeCode A retailer assigned code that defines the relevant hazardous material handling properties of the item. This code is provided for oil products, petsicides, swimming pool suppliers, fertilizers (especially bomb grade), etc. TY_MTR_HZ_STK_ITM Code2 char(2)
SellUnitLastReceivedBaseCostAmount The base cost per sell unit derived from the last receipt of this item. The base cost excludes allowances, discounts, charges and other amounts that may change the item cost. CP_UN_SL_LS_RCV_BS MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
SellUnitLastReceivedNetCostAmount The net cost per sell unit derived from the last receipt of this item. The base cost includes allowances, discounts, charges and other amounts that may change the item cost. Where there are no allowances, etc. the net cost will equal the base cost for an item. CP_CST_NT_LS_RCV MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
SellUnitLastReceivedCostsEstablishedDate The date the last received costs (net and base) were established. DC_CST_EST_LS_RCV DateCalendar date
StyleCode A code that uniquely identifies the specific appearance type or variety in which an APPAREL ITEM is available. LU_STYL Code4 char(4)
ColorCode A code to identify the color. The assumption is that the retailer will adopt the standards as designated by the NRF, created to facilitate the exchange of data between vendors and retailers CD_CLR Code4 char(4)
SizeFamilyID A unique retailer assigned idendtifier for the grouping of similar colors used to classify the sizes of merchandise for analysis. ID_SZ_FMY Identity int
SizeCode A code to designate the size of the ITEM. It is proposed to use the 5 apparel and miscellaneous coding structure as specified by the NRMA to facilitate data interchange between vendors and retailers. This code permits the use of both standard and proprietary coding format. CD_SZ Code6 char(6)
AvailableForSaleDate The date when this STOCK ITEM becomes available for sale. For example, certain books have specific publication dates, music entertainment release dates. DC_AVLB_FR_SLS DateCalendar date
InventoryAccountingMethodCode A retailer assigned code that defines the inventory accounting method to be used for the item. Examples of methods include the retail method, cost method, etc. LU_MTH_INV_ACNT Code2 char(2)
StoreWarrantyDescriptionCode A code to signify the type of warranty offered by the RETAIL STORE. This warranty normally supplements the warranty offered by the MANUFACTURER LU_WRTY_STR_SRZ Code4 char(4)
ManufacturerWarrantyDescriptionCode A code to denote the type of warranty offered on the SERIALIZED ITEM by the MANUFACTURER LU_WRTY_MF_SRZ_ITM Code4 char(4)
ManufacturerSizeDescription A code to signify the maufacturer's size reference. DE_SZ_MF_SRZ_ITM DescriptionShort varchar(255)
ModelYear The year of release or production of the SERIALIZED ITEM CY_MDL_SRZ_ITM DateCalendarYear char(4)
ModelNumber The model reference for a specific SERIALIZED ITEM. NM_NMB_SRZ_ITM Name varchar(40)
ManufacturerColorDescription The code to signify the manufacturer's color shade. DE_CLR_MF_SRZ_ITM DescriptionShort varchar(255)
LinkUniformResourceID This identifies the URI of the digtial item for downloading purposes. URI_LNK DescriptionShort varchar(255)
LinkFileName The digital item's file name. NM_LNK_FLE DescriptionShort varchar(255)
LinkTypeCode Indicates if the link to obtain the DigitalItem is internal to the retailers ecommerce web site or to an external site. CD_LNK_TYP DescriptionShort varchar(255)
SharableFlag Indicates if the download may be shared by the party downloading it. FL_SHRBL Flag int
ItemTitle Item title (if it's a movie, music, book, etc.) NM_ITM_TTL DescriptionShort varchar(255)
OperatingSystemID Operating system requriements (if any). This is mostly applicable to applications purchased on line. ID_OPR_SYS Identity integer
FileFormatTypeCode Identifies a digitial file format for this DigitalItem. Exmples include: mpeg jpeg QuickTime flashvideo CD_FLE_FRMT_TYP Code varchar(20)
ServiceItemTypeCode A code to denote the type of SERVICE ITEM. TY_ITM_SV Code2 char(2)
ServiceTermsCode A retailer assigned uniquecide for the set of terms and conditions governing the sale or rental of the ServiceItem LU_TRM_SV Code2 char(2)
BaseCostAmount The base cost amount of the SERVICE ITEM. This cost excludes all promotional allowances. CP_BS_SV_ITM Money decimal(16,5)
NetCostAmount The net cost price of the SERVCE ITEM. this cost includes all promotional allowances. CP_NT_SV_ITM Money decimal(16,5)
CostsEstablishedDate The effective date of the current cost price for the SERVICE ITEM. DC_CST_EST_SV_ITM DateCalendar date
RentalPeriodTypeCode A code to denote the rental and overdue periods; Hour, Day, Week, etc... TY_PR_RNT Code2 char(2)
RentalPeriodCount The number of rental periods the item may be rented by the customer; as well as the number of rental periods per penalty charge. QU_PR_RNT QuantityDayCount decimal(3,0)
RentalDepositAmount A deposit related to the value of the RENTAL OBJECT which is paid by the CUSTOMER and is refundable if the ITEM is returned in the same condition. MO_DS_RNT_SV Money decimal(16,5)
RentalDepositPercent The percentage of the value of the RENTAL OBJECT which is charged as a refundable deposit to the CUSTOMER. PE_DS_RNT_SV Percent decimal(7,4)
RentalLatePenaltyAmount The penalty amount which is imposed by the RETAILER if the CUSTOMER fails to meet the rental terms. MO_PNTY Money decimal(16,5)
RentalLatePenaltyPercent The percentage penalty which is imposed if the terms of the rental are abused by the CUSTOMER, eg if the rental item is delivered late the penalty is 10% of the rental fee for each date late. PE_PNTY Percent decimal(7,4)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ItemDimension is sold or returned through SalesReturnFact
ItemDimension describes InventoryFact
ItemDimension is hierarchically classified through MerchandiseHierarchyDimension

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